Thursday, May 2, 2013

It's Getting Hot in Here

I am not sure if I was born in the wrong time period and generation, or I strictly follow my "Modesty is the best policy" rule. It seems that as the days go by, the clothes get shorter and tighter. It gets hot. Everyone knows that, but there are different ways to dress for the weather. I'm not saying everyone should walk around in turtlenecks and moon-boots, but close to nothing is not better. Some people feel comfortable with walking around half naked and some do not. Some people enjoy dressing for other people. At the same time, if you walk around with most of your skin showing, be ready for stares-- both degrading and negative. As for school and work, there is a dress code for a reason. At my school, it is sometimes hotter on the inside, but that does not mean the dress code goes out the window. So many girls come to school with the tiniest shorts and expect that to be okay. When they are sent to get a change of clothes, an argument begins. I feel that this issue is facing us today because sex drives the society-- not thoughts, ideas, and minds.

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