Sunday, November 10, 2013

When Your Best Isn't Good Enough

A fast paced world calls for you to be faster. It's like running on a treadmill at a constant speed while increasing the treadmill's speed. Eventually you're going to get left behind. Once you get left behind, nothing you do is going to be "good enough." Trying seems pointless because trying is the same thing as failing to everyone around you. As long as there is someone better than you, your best will not be good enough. There are billions of people in this world to which you can be compared. The only difference is, they're not you. They will never be you. They can't effect people the way you do. Their best may be seen as the greatest effort, but it's not your effort. Giving 100% is all people can ask and if it doesn't pay off, then it doesn't pay off. People around you will not see that, but you should. One of the best feelings is succeeding without the help of people who only see your failures. 

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Ethnic Studies

Taking an ethnic studies class, opens your mind to different views on class, race, ethnicity, and this society in which we love. These beliefs and thoughts are inherited, or influenced by parents. That raises the question "How do we prepare, rather than repair, children to handle issues about race, class, and ethnicity?" For one, race is a social construct that only benefits the dominate, majority group. It is a problem because we have made it a problem. There is so much emphasis on "what we look like." When people ask me my race, I usually say human. For children, it is different. When they are brought up on the empty phrase "everyone is equal," and the failed "underneath our skin, we are all the same," problems will arise. Everyone is equal means nothing anymore. It is because of color blind racism. Treating everyone as "equal" is used to maintain an unequal status quo. As far as everything "underneath our skin" goes, it implies that there is a problem in the first place. It implies that there is something wrong with what is on the outside. Instead of sugar coating the topic of race, give children age appropriate facts. For class, teaching to envy those who have more, and pity those who have less is only going to backfire and does not benifit children. We should teach them to understand that there are people who have more than others and people who have less and that does not say anything about their character. Ethnicity depends on who raised someone. Whether you are Polish-American or Chinese-American should not matter, but it does. Teaching children to embrace these cultures will lead to creativity and new ideas. Culture is not something people should fear. Although we have come far, we have a long way to go. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Hey, That's Rude

No matter how you speak your mind or share your opinion, people are going to hate you for it. That does not mean do not share. The ability to speak and think for oneself is so rare that people mistake it for being rude. The way you share your ideas also has something to do with it. However, as long as you share your voice you will be alright. I have noticed that being able to speak for myself has gotten me further than keeping thoughts to myself. Yes, not all comments need to be shared, but if they do come out, at least people know you're honest. Being honest or real can be mistaken for being rude, mean, or even worse-a bitch. People are going to be against what you think all of the time. That does not mean you should keep all thoughts to yourself. If someone does something unacceptable, tell him or her. Not saying anything will be an injustice to that person, not you. 

Friday, August 23, 2013

The Real Blurred Lines

I have not blogged in a while, but that is because I have been working on a bigger project that encapsulates my summer. However, there is an issue that I felt the need to write about. There is much controversy about Robin Thicke's song Blurred Lines. I understand why. Not only are the lyrics degrading, but the videos are too. I have to be honest, the song is catchy, and I have found myself saying, "Hey, hey, hey." on multiple occasions. What I am most disconcerted by is the general public who is against this song. I am not talking about the people who dislike all songs of this nature. I am talking about the ones who pick and choose the songs they would like to be against. There is no way this song can be that much of an outrage to a person who knows and loves all the lyrics to a song that degrades women in the same way. It is all about respect, and has nothing to do with what most people believe. If you detest a song because it goes against morals, go ahead. If you dislike a song because everyone seems to, rethink.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Seeing is Not Believing

This past week taught me tolerance. I am not usually good with people my age, and being submerged with over 70 teenagers showed me that.  That being said, this past week also taught me that people are not always what they seem. What you see on the outside may not match what you will get on the inside. Sometimes it does. That is something you would never know if you do not give people a chance. People, in general, are pretty cruel, but that does not mean they all are. This world is too big to write everyone off. Realizing that helps to be more positive about this human race. 

Friday, July 5, 2013


There are people in this world who believe that just because they are not cleaning up after anyone that they are better. That is in no way true. Whether you are a CEO, or a janitor, should not determine the amount of respect you are given. Age should not determine the amount of respect. Human is human and there is no one who can decide who is not. Some people believe that one needs to give respect to get respect. While this is important, this should not decide if you are not going to respect someone. This all goes along with being the bigger person, but even in everyday situations respect should be given.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

For a Friend

To Anyone Who Needs It:
     It is easy to feel lost in this world, or feel like another number. The truth is that your existence has impacted this world greatly. Wherever you have been is not the same because of your touch. Do not, not even for a minute, believe that no one loves you. It's not true. It could never be. Life is going to have rough patches, no matter how good it may get. Just remember that when it feels like you have gone as low as you could go, the only place you can go is up. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Dying Friendships

Many people say that best friends are the siblings that we cannot choose. With most siblings, there will be fights, arguments, fall outs, and rough patches. The strongest of relationships can withstand these problems. On the other hand, sometimes it is just best to let go. When the letting go does happen, usually after the fall out, it will sting. In most situations, there are two parties. Both are at fault, but one side more than the other. From personal experience, the side that is expecting the apology is the one that least deserves it. Either way, it is important when to know to let go. The most important thing is that it is going to sting. The good thing is that the next day, it will sting less. This will continue until it doesn't sting anymore. When it comes to forgiving and forgetting, sometimes it is better to forget. There are too many beautiful things happening in this world to waste time worrying about people who do not care about you. It is sad, but sometimes the truth doesn't rhyme.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Connection to Ancient Rome

The other day in Latin class, we were having a discussion about Ancient Roman politicians. The conversation was going pretty well until I answered the question of whether or not it was worth it to become a politician at the time. Many people said no because there was a large risk of being killed because of your beliefs. That is understandable. However, I said that I respect people more when they stand by their beliefs. I also said that these same people (Ancient Roman politicians) were seen as martyrs in my eyes. Not all of them of course, but some. This brought on a long pause and some quizzical looks. I believe in standing by what you believe in. As cliché as it sounds, it is true. Being a teenager, or just human, today means there is much pressure of conform and become what you are not. The connection to Ancient Rome is simple. Although bloody wars are not fought for not agreeing with society, people die. Physically, mentally, and spiritually. Stand with what you believe in and stay your true, authentic self. 

Thursday, May 16, 2013


Trahimur omnēs studiō laudis. We are all attracted by the desire for praise. It is true. The main reason we do most things is because we want someone to tell us how great we are. It is nothing to be ashamed of since it is human nature and it starts as a small child. At the same time, it is a plague. We have stopped doing things because we want to. It has turned into doing things based on how much praise will be received. Praise makes people feel good, but it can also turn modesty into arrogance. Praise is the reason why we seek to impress people. In the end, there is no point in all of this 'praise seeking'. People tend to love people who are themselves over people who are someone else looking for praise. Sometimes self-praise is all you need.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

It's Getting Hot in Here

I am not sure if I was born in the wrong time period and generation, or I strictly follow my "Modesty is the best policy" rule. It seems that as the days go by, the clothes get shorter and tighter. It gets hot. Everyone knows that, but there are different ways to dress for the weather. I'm not saying everyone should walk around in turtlenecks and moon-boots, but close to nothing is not better. Some people feel comfortable with walking around half naked and some do not. Some people enjoy dressing for other people. At the same time, if you walk around with most of your skin showing, be ready for stares-- both degrading and negative. As for school and work, there is a dress code for a reason. At my school, it is sometimes hotter on the inside, but that does not mean the dress code goes out the window. So many girls come to school with the tiniest shorts and expect that to be okay. When they are sent to get a change of clothes, an argument begins. I feel that this issue is facing us today because sex drives the society-- not thoughts, ideas, and minds.

Thursday, April 25, 2013


Sometimes what is best for you will not be best for everyone. It's a tiring job to fit your life around everyone else. There are going to be several times where you just have to go with what you want. Coming from experience, that is easier said than done. This is not saying discard everyone else and go by what you want, but it is okay to put yourself first at times. Self care is important and is something that should not be forgotten. As long as you do not destroy people and things, do what makes you happy. If other people do not agree, then they can choose not to do that in their life.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Lows and Highs

The greatest efforts may seem small in the eyes of the overseers. They sometimes do not see how hard someone works, or how much work is put in. The most important thing to keep in mind is how you see your accomplishments. For example, some people see certain jobs as being too "low" for them. For the person next to them, that job could be their ultimate goal, for which he or she works hard to achieve. Just because your low is too low for you, does not mean that the same low is not someone else's high. That being said, when you judge people--because we all do-- understand that where they are may not be as bad as you think it is. One person cannot dictate what is deemed good enough for the world. Tolerate and move on. Sneering and snickering at others while you sit in the same spot, will get you no where. Take pride in what you do so you will not have the capacity to compare yourself to others.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Deserving vs. Earning

People think that they always deserve something. There are the constitutional rights that are automatically given, but that is as far as it goes. When we reach a certain age, things that are wanted and needed are not given--they are earned. When we deserve something, it is because we have worked to earn it. If no work is put in, how do you expect to get anything out? So, to all of the princes and princesses of the 21st century, there will come a day where you will not get the world handed to you. Understand that there are people who work hard and still do not have what they need. The things that you have will feel more special when you work for them.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Who You Really Are

Actions speak louder than words, especially when those words were never said.

People are quick to judge a person on what they say they believe. The truth is that who you are is not determined by what you say or believe, but by your actions. Many things are easier said than done, but when it is done growth happens. One important lesson I've learned over the past week is to not judge people by what they say. People say the wrong things all of the time. That being said, do not base your feeling towards a person only on what they say. When you observe a person and what he or she does, you can see a better view of who that person is. Take time out of talking and do more than listen. Observe people. Take everything in. You would be surprised by what you learn.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

"Happy Holidays"

Growing up, I have noticed that my schools have always taken off for certain holidays. I have mostly gone to schools with no religious affiliation. That being said, I still do not understand why I was not in school. The reason for this is because when Jewish, Muslim, and other holidays came around, I was still in school. I have not researched why I was in school for those holidays and out for Good Friday, Easter, and Christmas yet, but i will. When I was enrolled at schools with a religious affiliations, I understood. At a public school, with many ethnicities, nationalities, and denominations, I wanted a day off for every holiday. I am not saying this because I do not want to go to school; I am saying this because I respect everyone. When there are holidays that are affiliated with religions other that Christianity, more than 25% of the school is absent. That is a substantial amount of students, and sometimes teachers, missing. This is something that I still need to research more, but I also believe that it is something that needs a magnifying glass to see clearly.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Violence in Chicago

I live in a city where violence is desensitized. It has become the new normal. It seems that no one wants to come to Chicago because they are afraid. I found this video on

Hopefully soon, we can work as a city to stop violence.

Friday, March 15, 2013

The American Classroom

One of the many problems of the American school system is that it only holds the "top" students up. At the school that I go to, if you are not a straight 'A' student with a ground breaking science fair project or a top athlete, then you get lost in the shuffle. People only pay attention to who is first. That is where the equally extraordinary, but misunderstood kids get left behind. Since all students are tested the same way, the results wanted are not achieved. Everyone learns differently, and appealing to everyone is a great challenge. At the same time, if there is no effort made, the this school system can only go down. I am no expert in schooling, but that does not mean my ideas should be shut out. Another problem is that CEO's and officials cut out all of the opinions of students because we are assumed to be clueless. The fact that we go to these schools, means we have more experience about what works, what does not, and what the schools need. American school systems also need people who want to teach kids and love what they do. That goes for administrators too. There are many adults in schools who do not teach. They do other jobs around school and they disregard the students. In order to make a school system work, everyone needs to want it. As seen with the teacher strike in Chicago, there were countless groups and individuals against the Chicago Teachers Union. What these same people did not see was that these teachers really cared about their students. If these people understood that, they would work with the CTU rather than yell at them from their cars. One last thing that I believe we could fix, is the process of improving. If we are working toward improving the schools, taking resources away and closing schools is not the way. Although people claim that education reform does not need more money since it will not fix the problems, it is a great place to start.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

I Hope This Does Not Offend You

The world seems to filled with people waiting to be offended by something. There is a difference between being hurt by someone and looking too much into someone's words. It is a very fine line, but there is a difference. People are too caught up in being politically correct. Now, being politically correct will offend someone just as much as not being correct. We need to let go. Everyone cannot please everyone. There is yet to be a topic, person, idea, etc that appeals to every person on this planet. Do not look too much into everything. Usually, what people say is what they mean. If it is not, do not waste time trying to decipher what was supposed to be understood. Too much energy is wasted in being offended by what people say. Common sense is not that common, so if someone does something that you do not like, then forget about it. Again, there are circumstances where this does not apply, but on a regular day, do not spend too much time trying to figuring out what people meant to say.

Sunday, March 3, 2013


She is fire dancing in the moonlight. 
She keeps her moods tight like swings. 
Her thoughts are pressed down into nothing
Is what she believes she is. There is no name 

To plaster onto her body to taint her mind 
With whatshe is expected to be. She is 
Me, she is we. And she can sing. Together
We swing. Her voice is harmonious from the

Heavens, but she is no angel. She has soul but is 
No soldier. She rocks this world as it crumbles
Through her fingers. It precipitates down to the
Ground where she watches it fall to her feet. 

She is the destroyer and the creator as she pieces
The world back together. She throw sit up and
Catches it. She has the whole world in her hands. 
She makes plans and shakes them; she makes

Promises, but breaks them. She is no ordinary girl. 
She speaks freely not shyly because she is not 
Afraid. But she has fears which she communicates 
Through her tears. In the end, she is real.

Friday, March 1, 2013


Obviously, there are going to be times in life where we look back and say, "Why did I do that?" Sometimes your actions or words will end up messing a lot of things up, but everything won't be messed up. All bad, awkward, and negative moments will pass if you let them. There is no good in constantly reminding yourself of it. It is one thing to laugh about those times, and another to beat yourself up over them. Be proud that you have made those mistakes and in some cases be even prouder that you have made the mistakes again. Although you have done the same thing twice, it shows that you are still growing. When you learn what to do to not make that mistake again, you can move on.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Today, people worry about being themselves or being something. The best way to achieve this is to just be. In a world where you can be courageous, smart, beautiful, funny, etcetera, sometimes it is best to just be. One problem with this world is that there are too many people trying to make this world work. Some of us need to just let the world happen. This is not saying that a few select people need to rule the world, but everyone cannot do everything at the same time. Stepping back and letting someone else handle problems is sometimes best. If no one steps up, then there is another lesson learned. This is one thing that is easier said than done. A change like this will not happen over night. With gradual steps by everyone, or a majority, some degree of change will happen. Of course, in order for this to work, everyone has to believe in the same thing. That's impossible. A fascinating thing about this world is that there are several things to believe, or not believe in. If you step back and be, you will begin to notice.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Free Reign

It seems the people that we are the most intolerant with are the people we are closest to. It is not everyday that strangers walk up to each other and tell them their worst quality. Comments like that usually come from loved ones and close friends. If they are close and you love them, why hurt them? It is understandable that the closer you get with someone the less restrictions there are on conversations. At the same time, there is a vast wall between what is acceptable and when you are just breaking a person down. Teasing and jokes are common, but when it is taken too far a person might as well say, "I will never let anyone hurt you-- except me." Just because you have free reign with someone does not give you the right to make that person feel horrible about his or herself.

Saturday, February 23, 2013


We are all great when compared to someone, or something else. When the other person or thing is taken away, how great are we really? Think about it. The phrase, "At least I'm not... like... is." is used numerous times in one day. Instead of throwing someone else under us, we can use that energy to do or change something we are not happy about. People get so caught up in comparing what they have to what others have that they do not notice what they have. Making ourselves feel better while making someone else feel bad is a parasitic cycle that most humans get caught in. There is no point in comparing, when in the end you are right back where you started. While competition is great, to a small extent, it gets in the way of the real goal-- living. Yes, it is good to improve your life, but if you are doing it because someone else is above you, it is not worth it. I wonder if that is the reason why people get miserable as they get older.

Thursday, February 21, 2013


It's a known fact that people say the wrong things in many situations. Being that everyone "should" know that, it should not be taken to heart when people say something wrong. Now, there are many circumstances where this can or cannot be applied. Speaking in general terms, everyone is not out to get you. People are going to do and say things that make you upset. One thing that is key to remember is that the reason for their actions, or lack of, is sometimes not because of you. This goes along with egos. Most times when people are livings their lives, they are not thinking of one person all of the time. All in all, next time someone accidentally hurts you (not physically), remember that you probably were not on their mind when it happened.

Sunday, February 17, 2013


Wisdom is measured in how much a person does not know. People are caught up in what they do know and forget about what they do not know. Everything is infinite, so one cannot know it. Everything includes feelings, thoughts, facts, ideas, etcetera. If a person knows the feeling of knowing everything, he or she cannot not know-- or remember, the feeling of not knowing everything. A wise person knows that he or she is not able to know everything, and therefore does not act like it.

Friday, February 15, 2013


People were not made to be alone. We were born to find someone. This does not mean it will be romantic. It just means there is someone we were born to help. Whether we know it or not, we have found that someone multiple times. Each time we walk in or out of someone's life we help them. If it's a bad relationship, then we have helped them learn what not to do. No matter how much a person does not want to admit it, we all need help. Self-reliance only goes so far. Once it runs out, a person picks up. Saying, "I don't need you." does not change the fact that we do need people. We need everyone. If we are shaped by our environment then, people's thoughts, ideas, and actions shape us. As we grow up, the people we are surrounded by help us develop. When we get older, they continue to change us even if it is not noticeable. You need everyone and everyone needs you. Without each individual "you," the world would be nothing.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

A Beautiful Creation

Life is the hardest thing anyone will have to go through. It's filled with setbacks, obstacles, and things that make you wonder what you are doing. At the same time, life is the most beautiful creation. All of the negative aspects bring people to see the joyous part. One thing that many people forget is that everyone has it hard. It may not be in the same ways, but everyone has problems. Even though everyone has problems, it is not up to each person to point them out. Life is hard enough, and picking over the little things will not help. Although life is short, it is the longest thing you will do, so appreciate it. Hopefully this blog will be useful to someone someday... somewhere.